Bob Marshall enjoys his first holiday at Cherry Lakes

Friday 26 February 2016

Bob and Linda Marshall have just spent their first week’s holiday at Cherry Lakes staying in Osprey Lodge on Cherry Lakes.

Despite the hard frosts and cold bright conditions Bob managed a couple of Carp from Cherry Lake including the 23lb Mirror and this heavily scaled Mirror of 18lb below.

Bob also took advantage of a very quiet Cherry Lakes, to follow me onto Cherry Springs fishing during the on Wednesday and Thursday to land 9 Carp to 16-08. This Common which was quiet long clearly has the frame to get a lot bigger and will hopefully be a Cherry Springs 20lb+ Carp by the end of the year. Given the growing light intensity, it is clear that the Carp in Cherry Springs are increasingly active. Even the hard frosts that Bob fished in, did not put the Carp off.

For a change I took advantage of the absence of guests to fish from Kingfisher Lodge on Cherry Springs, again just fishing lazy days from 10-18.00 on Monday and Tuesday to land 15 Carp, 11 of which were doubles, including Mirrors of 21-04 and 18-06. (Sorry no photos!).

Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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