Cherry Springs in focus
Paul Jennings video really captures the essence of Cherry Springs.
Monday 27 September 2021
This update post is concentrated on Cherry Springs (Kingfisher Lodge). We have had some good catches as well as a new video from Paul Jennings to talk about. I will save some of the amazing catches from Cherry Lake for my next post.
As regular followers of my posts as well as visiting guests know, Cherry Springs has been at times a source of frustration for me. Last year, the lake was very moody and more difficult than it should have been given the high stock of Carp in the lake. Last winter we installed a new oxygenating system and undertook a series of actions to improve the quality of the water and environment for the Carp. This year I am pleased to say that the fishing has been more predictable and better.
Whilst I was away at the end of August, Paul Jennings and his wife CJ spent a few days in Kingfisher Lodge, where Paul made another video episode in his impressive 'tales of a Journeyman Tales' series. I only recently found out about it.
If you have a few minutes this video, and others in Paul's series are well worth a watch. Whilst he did not catch anything particularly big, he had some cracking Carp. More importantly he really captured the peace and beauty of Cherry Springs and I loved the shots of a Kingfisher on Paul's rod. How apt as he filmed from Kingfisher Lodge! Please click on this link to see the video
You can also search for The Journeyman's Tales' series and Cherry Lakes through You Tube directly.

Graham Cresswell spent the first week of September on the lake and recorded a total catch of 32 Carp including 5 over 20lb's to 26-08. He was followed in by Alan Powell who, from memory had a 10 Carp catch over the weekend including this 29-10 Mirror above.
Alan was followed by John and Jack Clark who had a real ball during their 4 night stay. they both caught steadily throughout the trip. The Bio-Spice boilies accounting for all Jack's Carp, but not the biggest, a 29-08 Mirror which fell to dad John below
I was pleased to see this big Mirror which has in the past been caught over 30lb's. Typical of the Carp in Cherry Springs she is a little down in weight, a consequence of the Roach eating the pellets before the Carp do. The feeding of larger more expensive harder pellets has helped and I guess we will need to feed more of these Roach proof feed pellets in the future

One of the prettiest Carp I have seen in a while from Cherry Springs is this fantastic heavily scaled Mirror caught by Gary Blackwell and pictured in the lead photo above.
I hope you like the video.