Dave and I indulge ourselves during March on Cherry Lake
We have only six vacancies before October available
Wednesday 7 April 2021
It's great to see the country opening up again after a long lockdown and we are looking forward to a busy year ahead.
With the difficulties of travelling within Europe again this summer, we have been taking a lot of enquiries for dates across the summer and unfortunately we cannot help the vast majority of them. Indeed we are full from April 12 until the end of September with the exception of the dates listed below.
In order to help our regular readers, I thought I would list here the few dates we have remaining, just in case you were hoping to come:-
07-10 May. Cherry Lake Cottage
14-17 and 17-21 May. Heron Lodge on Cherry Lake
21-24 May. Egret Lodge on Cherry Pool
09-13 August. Pochard Lodge on Cherry Mere
13-17 September. Kingfisher Lodge on Cherry Springs
24-27 September. Egret Lodge on Cherry Pool.
You know what to do if one of these dates appeal to you, please e mail to info@cherrylakes.co.uk and let me have your telephone number and I will call you back asap. Full details about the lakes and prices are elsewhere on this website.

Fishery manager Dave and I have been enjoyed fishing Cherry Lake whilst we have been closed and have managed to catch some real beauties. I caught most of mine from Osprey Lodge (although in truth ,with a bait boat, I did take liberties and fished all over the lake!). Dave fished in Grebe Lodge. We caught on a range of baits, with small visible pop-ups being the most reliable. Typical of March, we had quite a few blank days (our sessions were mainly 07.00 to 16.00), but with several days where we caught two or three. In line with the title, I have indulged myself with more photos than normal. I hope it whets your appetite!
Between us we landed the first 5 x 30's of the year. We expect this number to 'shoot up as Cherry lake becomes full of anglers through April and May. I look forward to writing my regular updates and letting you know as we do

Dave managed to beat his UK PB, twice. Firstly he managed a 30+ Common for the first time. His 31-10 Common, pictured above, is a very distinctive one and was caught by Mark Denmark at the end of October at 30-12., He caught some lovely fish both from the deep car park margins as well as a couple of open water marks.

Dave went on to then land his new overall new UK PB, when he landed this lovely dark Mirror at 35-10 Mirror. This is also a very distinctive Carp, and was caught last February by Adrian Faulty at a similar weight of 35-04. I will confess that this is one of the Cherry Lake Carp that I would love to catch.

My biggest was the Carp known as 'Pac-Man', which I caught at 34-08. Ironically I caught this Carp as a new thirty in the lockdown last June at 32-04. We had a couple of stunning Fully Scaled Mirrors, one of which is pictured above, as well as this lovely Ghost Common also pictured below. This lovely Ghostie being my favourite Carp of the campaign, I just love seeing our home-grown Carp coming through.
Normal service very soon!