David Wheeler breaks his PB twice on Cherry Springs

Monday 14 December 2015

David Wheeler and his partner Abigail Grant spent his birthday weekend in Kingfisher Lodge on Cherry Springs ……and he was very glad that he did. He managed to beat his old PB twice. Not bad for a mid-December fishing trip!

David caught 9 Carp including fish of 22-13 and 18-10. He also caught a couple of small Carp under 5lb. Proving that all the Carp are feeding and not just the bigger ones!

Having broken his PB twice, David leaves Cherry Lakes with a new PB of 22-13. An ideal birthday present if you ask me! (I sound like an old bloke!!) This Carp was another one of the new previously uncaught twenties recently stocked into Cherry Springs. Further evidence that they have settled down nicely into their new environment and are feeding hard. The 18-10 Carp was caught on one of fishery manager Dave’s new ‘Bubble-gum’ pop-ups which he rates highly. I am beginning to see why.

In case you do not read Total Carp, in December’s issue there is a great feature on Cherry Lakes, written by TC editor Marc Coulson. This has generated quite a lot of new enquiries and bookings from people who have not been to Cherry Lakes before. We will add this to the website next month just in case you miss it.. It is also accompanied by a full page Cherry Lakes advert!

The point of mentioning this, particularly if you are a past guest (as most readers of this website are), is that we are significantly ahead of bookings for 2016 compared to the same point last year. So if you are planning to visit us next year, and you are restricted for time etc, then please get your preferred dates in the diary asap. Whilst we always enjoy meeting new guests, we love seeing past guests returning.

Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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