Filming on Cherry Lake

Friday 12 August 2016

We have been filming on Cherry Lake over the last weekend. Our friend Dominic Morgan has been down to help us make a video which will link with the website and possibly You Tube. As he was down I thought I would book Dave and I into Osprey Lodge with the hope of catching a few Carp for the cameraman!

I did feel sorry for Dominic. Whilst Judith was a natural on screen (she is well practiced at talking!!), I was hopeless and needed endless numbers of re-takes. Dominic has certainly got his work cut out in the editing studio! We are also hoping to include some aerial shots of Cherry Lakes after they have been shot over the next few weeks. If everything works to plan the video should be live by the end of September. I will keep you informed. Watch this space!

On the fishing front we could have picked a better weekend. High pressure and hot sun made it very challenging. Believe it or not, this was also the first time in three years that I have been able to fish the lake during the summer. I was very unlucky (!) and committed the cardinal sin of losing two Carp and landing just one. A recent stockie at 12lb, not one unfortunately for the film. I also lost one on Dave’s rods when he had to go and see an angler on Cherry Pool, just to rub salt into the wound! Fortunately Dave did convert the only chance he had, this lovely 25lb Mirror below. Looks like I need to stick to my day job and stop trying to be a fishery manager!

Keith Follen fishing on Cherry Springs from Kingfisher Lodge is enjoying his first stay at Cherry Lakes. Over the weekend he caught 15 Carp from memory including this stunning 20lb Mirror below. What a beauty. Well done Keith and I look forward to seeing what your full week’s tally is.

Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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