First Forty from Cherry Lake.

Saturday 2 May 2015

We are over the moon and celebrating as the big Common smashes the new lake record and breaks the forty pound barrier.

The news of this new ‘Forty’ comes hard on the back of Trevor Henshaw’s 34-07 Mirror which was caught on Wednesday. This cracking Mirror was a new ‘thirty plus’ for Cherry Lakes and is the 15th different Carp out of Cherry Lake over 30lb in the last two years since we opened in May 2013.

As I have said in several of my recent posts, including yesterday’s prophetic one, I have been hoping that one of three Carp, which could break the forty mark over the next few weeks, would get caught. Well one of them has! Two more to go?

Our good friend Ady Blythe who is staying in Heron Lodge and had already caught several good fish including a 27-04 Mirror and 21lb Common, when the big lady took his bottom bait fished 10 yards off the Cottage swim. Fishery manager Dave was with Ady when the take occurred and said to Ady when he peered into the landing net ‘you broken the forty barrier mate’.

For those of you who know Dave, he is very particular about weighing fish. After the Carp first got got weighed at over 41lb, Dave went to get his scales before confirming the lovely lady had broken the record at 40-04. Absolutely fantastic!

This is the same Common which was caught at 37-02 by Ben Wales last October. As you can see from the photo she looks in great condition and is clearly carrying some spawn, which you would expect at this time of year. This fish along with the other 235 Carp in Cherry Lake continue to do well and thrive on our on-going feeding programme which is of course supplemented by anglers bait.

Well done Ady, who becomes the founding member of the Cherry lakes 40+ club. We have ordered a Cherry Lakes 40+ ‘hoody’ for him.

Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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