Jack Lyon's fantastic winter session on Cherry Lake
Jack finishes with7 Carp to 41lb. Wow!
Thursday 9 January 2020
What a session Jack Lyons had this week in Grebe Lodge on Cherry Lake.
As reported in the last update Jack is the first angler to catch a winter 40. He did this on Wednesday when he landed a 41lb Mirror which we are now calling 'Ruby' after Jack's daughter. See the repeated family shot below for the 'two Rubies'!

Jack essentailly fished the same bait and method all week. He presented his hookbait amongst a small PVA stick containing a variety of goodies. Of these some 4 were landed after casting at showing fish.In total he landed 7 Carp. All of these, with the exception of the home-grown 16-08 Ghost Mirror (see previous story for photo etc), were above 24lb in weight.
Jack caught two absolutely lovely Fully Scaled Mirror Carp. The biggest of which was the 25-12 beauty pictured in the lead photo above. As well as it's amazing scale pattern, I just love the shape of this young fish, which is growing well. With a following wind, she will be a real biggy, and probably a real target fish, in the future.
Compared to the beautiful scale patterns of the other Carp landed by Jack, this 27-08 Mirror below is positively 'plain'. Jack unsurprisingly was very pleased to catch it.
It is a real shame that the next time Cherry Lake is due to be fished by a guest is 17 January. So unless I get my rods out (and Judith has a long list of jobs for me to do....so it is doubtful), we will not know if the Carp keep on feeding over the next week or so. If you fancy it, let me know on 01285 869887