Joanne Ryland sets a new PB from Cherry Springs
Sunday 14 May 2017
Barry and Joanne Ryland have decided to spent a week this year on Cherry Springs fishing from Kingfisher Lodge. Last time they stayed in Egret Lodge on Cherry Pool and landed over 700lb of fish. In fact they caught so many they left exhausted and the need of a rest!
Their week has started slowly on Cherry Springs. The lake has been frustratingly moody this year, with some good fishing spells broken up by some very slow periods. Given how many Carp there are in the lake and that the Carp are looking good and healthy it is hard to work out why it is so moody, particularly when the conditions are as good as they are this weekend. As I keep saying ‘the more I know…..the less I know’!
Joanne was beaming when I saw her this morning. She had a big smile because she had just landed the first Carp of their trip. The Carp was also a new PB of 21-11. Even better the Carp was stunning, as you can see from the photo below. With the rest of the week to go, I am hopeful that she will go on to catch even more. Her goal is to catch one more than Barry!
Luke Williams is a regular visitor with his Grand Parents Malcolm and Sylvia Williams. As normal they both caught their normal hat full of Carp from Egret Lodge on Cherry Pool as well as a lot of Bream. Luke had the biggest of the trip this time, a chunky Common of 20lb.
They were followed into Egret Lodge this weekend by Clive Croucher, who has landed both Roach and Perch to 1-08 as well as 3 Crucian Carp to 2-08. He is very happy with his first visit.
Cherry Lake has been quieter this week and I am unable to report any further 30′s! Top rod has been Darran Collins who has been staying in Osprey Lodge. He has landed 4 carp to 22-02, including this stunning fully scaled Mirror below.
We have just had a date released for the forth-coming Bank Holiday weekend from 26-29 May. Apologies to all of you have made enquiries for this date, but we were full! Normal rules, first come, first served. Please call 01285 869887 if you fancy a stay in Osprey Lodge on Cherry Lake.