John Hudson 31-04

John Hudson lands 4 x thirties from Heron Lodge

Charlie Bryan also lands 6 Carp to 36-08 from Cherry Lake Cottage
Monday 22 August 2022

Cherry Lake returned to form this weekend as the Carp have got used to the current conditions. Interestingly, although the water is still warm (around 20C), the sharp fall in water temperature early last week as the weather change seemed to knock the fish back. I had simply assumed that the Carp, like us, would come alive and be more active with the drop in temperature. However the fishing suggests, that just like sharp temperature falls at other times of the year, that the Carp were knocked off the feed by the sudden change and it took them a few days to return to normal for the time of the year. Another lesson learnt (and no doubt to be forgotten!).

The fishing on Cherry Lake switched on from Friday morning. Robert Pizzy had been struggling in Heron Lodge all week and finally caught his first Carp from Cherry Lake just before packing up on Friday morning. He was very happy with his 31lb Mirror. He was followed into Heron Lodge by John Hudson, who was on his first visit to Cherry Lake. John, who is clearly a good angler, got his timing perfect for his visit. He landed 6 Carp during his Friday to Monday stay, including 4 x30lb+ fish.

John Hudson with his biggest Carp of the weekend, a 37-08 Mirror
John Hudson with his biggest Carp of the weekend, a 37-08 Mirror

John's first thirty was a rarely caught classic Cotswolds looking Carp of 31-08. See the lead photo above. A real stunner this one, which I suspect is a male fish. This Carp was first caught as a thirty by Andrew Scott in 2021 and now is an addition to the 2022 catalogue.

On Saturday morning, John landed the biggest Carp of the weekend, a 37-04 Mirror (this Carp which has some lovely 'starburst scales' was last caught in January by Steve Townsend at 39lb. Her drop in weight presumably being due to her summer spawning efforts. Maybe she is just starting her autumnal munch? John was very pleased with his 35+ hoody.

John also caught a 31-04 Mirror and finished with a 30-06 Common on Monday morning. His successful tactics was to fish broken boilies over pellets.

Charlie Bryan with his  36-08 Mirror from the Cottage swim
Charlie Bryan with his 36-08 Mirror from the Cottage swim

Charlie Bryan was also on his first visit to Cherry Lakes this weekend and stayed in Cherry Lake Cottage with his family. Charlie's timing was also excellent and just like John above he also landed 6 Carp. John's biggest was this cracking 36-08 Mirror pictured immediately above. This Carp was caught in June by Jason Barnes at 34-08, so it is nicely up in weight already. This Carp looks like it has the frame to go a lot bigger. Charlie also had several big twenties to 29-08.

Shane Hutton in Osprey also got into the act with a 30-08 Common to bring the overall weekend total of 30's to six thirties.

Charlie Bryan with a 29lb Common
Charlie Bryan with a 29-06 Common taken from the Cottage

Kevin Lane, who featured in my last update following his capture of the new Cherry Springs lake record for a Crucian Carp at 3-08. During his visit he managed to catch Tench to 5lb as well as another Crucian of 3-08 (a different fish) along with 25 Carp to 27-08. Well done Kev and to all the anglers above.

Along with many people, I am obsessing more than usual over weather forecasts as well as doing my best rain 'chanting'! The recent light rain is starting to work wonders for the grass, but we need a lot more to get the water levels in the lake back to normal. Any 'rain dancing help' is much appreciated!

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