
New Cherry Springs Lake record set by a stunning 36lb Mirror

David Kirk braves the cold to smash his PB
Friday 27 January 2023

Our timing has been great. Judith and I have just returned from a couple of weeks away and managed to miss the tail end of the heavy rains and the freezing cold conditions of the last week or two.

We did however miss two unusual events. For the first time in the 11+ years we have owned Cherry Lakes, water levels were so high that water was running from a neighbouring property's lake into our own. As you can imagine, the water levels on Cherry Lake are now very high! The second event not being so strange, but the lakes wanted to freeze again due to the cold. I cannot remember when the last winter was when the lakes would have frozen for a second time (they did not because of the aerators).

The lakes have been quiet during January, with only a small number of guests. We have had a few hardy souls venturing out in the cold and have several excellent Carp to report.

David Kirk. 36lb R 2
Fishery Manager Dave with David Kirk's new Cherry Springs lake record.

Regular David Kirk spent the last week in Kingfisher Lodge and it was hard going. In total he landed 4 Carp. He told me this morning that on Monday evening he noticed that the rod pod had visibly moved forwards by a good few feet. On checking his rods, he soon realised that he had a run on his middle rod. However because his reels were frozen, all the 24lb Carp could do was kite on a tight line and somehow managed to snag both of his other rods. The lead photo above taken this week by Richard Orme, shows how cold it was.

On Wednesday, David smashed his PB, when in freezing conditions he landed this 36lb stunning Mirror Carp. He said he had literally just put a new bait out early on Wednesday morning and it was picked up. David said he was so cold after the fight that he was unable to hold the Carp properly. Fortunately as you can from the photo above, fishery manager Dave was on hand to both weigh the Carp as well as to pose with it. Given this is a new lake record for Cherry Springs, I am very glad Dave was able to step in. Mind you Dave was so excited that he called me straight away forgetting it was 02.00 where I was!

Unusually I have included shots of both sides of this beautiful Carp. The scale pattern is fantastic. I have mentioned before, and I know similar observations have been made in various Carp books and publications, that it is often the bigger Carp which feed first in cold conditions. Here is another example of a big Carp feeding when most of the other fish are not. It s also why it is good to give it a go during the winter.....because you never know. Particularly when you can fish from the warmth and comfort of the Lodges!

David Kirk. 36lb L 2
Dave Bowen with the new Cherry Springs lake record

Regular Richard Orme fished in Pochard Lodge and also had to contend with the cold. Indeed it was Richard who sent me the photo of his frozen rod and reels in the lead photo. Unsurprisingly given the cold it was tougher going than normal. He did however land this stunning Mirror of just over 28lb. A fish which would make ant trip worthwhile.

Well done to both David and Richard on the capture of these two fish in tough winter conditions, very well deserved.

Richard Orme with a real beauty. A Cherry Mere Mirror of just over 28lb
Richard Orme with a real beauty. A Cherry Mere Mirror of just over 28lb
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