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Some cracking winter fishing as we approach the New Year

Three different lakes produce 20lb+ Carp
Monday 30 December 2019

Well I hope you all had a good Christmas. We had a lovely quiet one here at Cherry Lakes with just our two adult children visiting. Just as well because both Judith (with a proper virus that makes you ill ) and I (with man-flu!) went down with the lurgy!

After several very quiet weeks, as the fishery had been closed for both maintenance work as well as for the Christmas period, it was good to see guests retun on the 27th. Judging by the good returns on the smaller lakes the fish had 'missed' the anglers. We have seen some excellent winter Carp fishing across the fishery, helped no doubt by the current mild weather.

We have plenty of vacancies in January and February and I cannot think of a betetr place to go winter Carp fishing. Not only do we have a good spread of Carp waters offering different sizes of Carp and varying degrees of difficulty, but we also have the 'best bivvies'in the world! Our warm dry and clean Lodges with Wifi, Smart TV's and DVD players represent the most comfortable and pleasurable way of spending a long dark cold night (and day) Carp fishing in winter. Give me a call on 01285 869887 if you fancy giving our Lodges a go.

Connor McCarthy with dad Martin and a 23-04 Mirror from Cherry Mere

Martin McCarthy has been staying with his family in Pochard Lodge on Cherry Mere and fishing with his teenage sons Connor and Alfie. This is their first visit to Cherry Lakes. Over the course of the first few days they have landed seven Carp including a 24-05 to Martin, a 20-04 Common (below) caught by Alfie but held by Connor and d 23-08 Mirror ( picture above of Connor with Dad Martin). Great winter fishing!

Using a bait boat they fed a combination of crushed boilies, pellets and other small goodies. I am confident they will catch a few more before Friday as the forecast id for the weather to stay mild and dry!

Connor McCarthy with a 20-04 Common caught from Pochard Lodge on Cherry Mere
Connor McCarthy with a 20-04 Common caught from Pochard Lodge on Cherry Mere

Ryan Bishop, another first time guest, has been staying in Egret Lodge on Cherry Pool. Ryan has been having a 'whale' of a time. He has landed some 14 Carp to 15-08 and half a dozen Bream. Certainly no shortage of 'bobbin' action on Cherry Pool. Fantastic winter fishing. Sorry no photos.

Derek Jones and his 22-08 Mirror from Kingfisher Lodge on Cherry Springs
Derek Jones and his 22-08 Common from Kingfisher Lodge on Cherry Springs

The Jones family have been staying in Kingfishr Lodge on Cherry Springs. They have also been on their first visit to Cherry Lakes. To date they have landed three lovely Carp, a 22-08 Common (pictured above) and 17-04 Mirror to Derek along with a Mirror of 18-09 to Davy (pictured below). The 22-08 Common is a new PB for Derek who was understandably very pleased to caught this beauty. Successful tactics have been small boilies fished in glugs.

They have also caught a good number of Roach and Perch to around 1lb. I always like to se the float rod out, particularly when the Carp fishing is slow, as you never know what is going to turn up!

Davy Jones was first off the mark with this 18-09 Mirror from Cherry Springs
Davy Jones was first off the mark with this 18-09 Mirror from Cherry Springs

Our good friend Brian Hamilton, who spends a lot of his time helping us out around Cherry Lakes, landed the first Carp of the festive break from Cherry Lake from Heron Lodge. Typically Cherry Lake has proved to be much tougher than the smaller more densly stocked lakes. Brian's 23lb Fully Scaled beauty, pictured in the lead photo above, is the only fish out over the first few days. Fingers crossed for the period up to Friday!

Well done to all the anglers above.

Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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