Teri Brebner sets a new Cherry Lake record for a lady angler
35-08 Mirror is also her first from Cherry Lake!
Thursday 30 May 2019
An exciting week across Cherry Lakes with all the lakes fishing consistently in the unsettled weather. I am delighted to report the capture of another big Carp which has set a new Cherry Lake record for a lady angler
Teri Brebner has been staying in Heron Lodge with her partner Lee Pearce on her first visit to Cherry Lake. It is often the case that female anglers catch the bigger fish when fishing alongside male anglers. As you might have already guessed from this introduction, Teri managed to join the Cherry Lake 35+ club at the first time of asking with her first Carp from Cherry Lake, when she landed this distinctive 35-08 Mirror (pictured above and below). In doing so she smashed her PB, as well as beating Lee's UK best. Teri became the 123rd member of the Cherry Lakes 30+ club when she landed our 14th different 30+ Carp of the year.

Needless to say she was delighted. Teri was unable to hold the Carp due to a wrist issue, so she can be seen in the photos with partner Lee holding her Carp. Teri's successful tactics were to use a bait boat fished towards the far margins, She caught on a Cherry Lakes Fish Supreme boilie fished over pellets and crumbled boilies. Lee also did well and has to date landed 4 Carp, all 20lb+ including Commons of 25-12 (pictured ) and 27-02. Well done to both Teri and Lee.

Oscar Taylor who has been visiting with his Dad Steve since he was 'knee high to a grass-hopper' has had a good couple of days on Pochard Lodge. Oscar has like our Carp grown significantly and he is now taller than me! I got a call yesterday from the Taylor's saying that they might have caught a 30lb Carp and would I please pop round. I was quicker than 'road-runner' despite the fact I was carrying a camera and scales.!
I will confess to feeling a bit of a 'killjoy' when I announced that the Carp weighed 29-08. Regardless it is still a big Carp, particularly for Cherry Mere, as well as a PB for Oscar. He was not disappointed at just missing out on a 30+ club polo shirt......in fact he wasted no time in telling me that it was a bigger Carp than his Dad Steve had ever caught. Fathers and Sons!. Well done Oscar.