The Carp and our guests are enjoying the rain!

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Another late update. As I said last time I am struggling to keep up! Mind you I am not missing the rain. I had to smile at this classic British summer shot taken from within Egret Lodge on Cherry Pool.

The Carp in Cherry Lake had a last go (I hope) at spawning about ten days ago. Ever since then the Carp seem to have been eating Carp eggs! A real high protein bait…..but tough to get in the shops! It has been amazing to watch the Carp feeding on the eggs laid in the weed just in front of Osprey and Heron Lodges. It has also been very frustrating for the anglers in these Lodges. Mind you Paul Eves did not mind. Fishing Cherry Lake for the first time, he had three 20+ fish to 26-08 from Osprey Lodge and thoroughly enjoyed his carp watching stay!.

I think some 12 Carp over the week were landed to 27lb from Cherry Lake. My favourite shot being the one below of Steve Martin with the biggest of his three Carp a 24lb Common caught from the Cottage swim The fish looks heavier than his 3 year old son Harry!











Cherry Mere has also been turning up some good fish to the guests staying in Pochard Lodge. Mark Lineham was very pleased with this 24lb night caught Mirror. Mark said he was sure this particular Carp was much bigger than the 24lb recorded on the scales. It was probably a little ‘hollow’ having recently spawned.

Stewart Raynor’s immaculate Common Carp is the opposite and does not look 24lb to me. However this fish was witnessed by fishery manager Dave Bowen who phoned me at the time to say how great this fish looked and weighed it properly. it just goes to show you cannot always judge fish weights from photos! Well done to both Mark and Stewart.

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