The Holloway’s Honeymoon delight

Sunday 21 February 2016

Newly weds Tristan and Lisa Holloway decided to spend their honeymoon in Kingfisher Lodge on Cherry Springs this weekend.

As well as enjoying a mystery tour to the local supermarket (3 hours as they got lost) and spending some time together, they have also made the most of this weekend’s breezy and mild conditions to catch some of the Cherry Springs Carp.

To date they have landed 8 carp including three this lunchtime at the same time. This is the first time, as far as I know, that all three rods have produced at broadly the same time. We have had two Carp on at the same time before, but not three. I like to think that it was the ‘angling gods’ way of providing a ‘wedding present’.

In the picture below, Tristan is holding an 11lb Common which he landed alongside Lisa’s very attractive 10lb Mirror. As you can see they were very happy with each other!

Tristan also caught one of the recently stocked twenties at 23-04. This Carp has fed consistently throughout the winter and certainly likes it’s grub.

Well done Tristan and Lisa. We are delighted that you chose to spend your honeymoon with us, as well as doing well to catch so many.

Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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