A tough week.....my daily 'walk of shame'!
Renewal of the Cherry Lake Lodge decking programme has begun.
Monday 17 October 2022
We have just had one of the most difficult week's I can remember across Cherry Lakes. The three nights of light frost around 10-12 October seemed to really knock the Carp for six! Monday to Friday was blank across Cherry Lake and hardly any better on Cherry Mere or Cherry Springs. My 'daily walk of shame' was as painful for me as for our guests. The first frosts of the year are often the hardest on the Carp, but it did not seem that cold to me. With the lakes still two feet below normal levels, I guess they lose heat even quicker than normal, hence the early switch off. From what I understand about other lakes in the area, that tough fishing is the norm! At least it is not just us!

With the original Lodges on Cherry Lake approaching 10 years old (good grief is it that long!), we are having to renew some of the decks and all of the supporting structure. The on-going programme of maintenance and renewal never seems to stop! I thought you would like to see how Heron Lodge looked this morning, see above . Keep watching this space as I will keep you updated on progress!

The weekend brought some improvement with two 30's being caught on Cherry Lake and more activity on both Cherry Lake and Cherry Mere. This has continued into the early part of this week with a 37-09 Mirror and a 33-12 Common being landed during the early hours of Tuesday morning.
The biggest Carp since my last update has been caught by Neil Bullock staying in Grebe Lodge. He arrived on Friday and had to wait until this morning (Tuesday) for his first take. It was well worth waiting for! This lovely Carp picked up a bait from an area along the left hand margin which Neil had been steadily feeding since Friday. A great first Carp from Cherry Lake and a quick way to earn a 35+ Carp Cherry Lakes hoody.
Regulars Mandy and Craig Brown had the mis-fortune to time their week almost entirely with the Carp shutdown. They however kept their spirits up and kept plugging away. Mandy was finally rewarded on Sunday when a 34lb Common picked up her snowman presentation. In doing so Mandy beat her English PB. I think I was just as excited about this (or was it relief!) as Mandy and Craig!

Birthday boy Joe Morris spent the weekend in Cherry Cottage with his friends. What better way to celebrate your 30th birthday than do it with friends whilst catching a 31llb Common? As well as the 31lb Common he also caught a pristine young Ghost Common of 14lb. Both of these Carp came on Saturday during a good southerly breeze which was pushing nicely into the house bank. Exactly where Joe caught his two Carp from!.
It is often hard to recognise, or count, Commons, especially when they do not have any distinctive features. I am not clear if it is how Joe is holding the Carp (which seemed normal when he was holding it) or more likely that this Common has a distinctive shape. It looks a little 'humpy to me. 'My feeling is that this is another new 30lb+ Carp for us.

Cherry Springs was the first to pick up. Darren Heath had several twenties during Thursday night including a new PB, a 25-08 Mirror. Whilst you can't see much of his new PB, you get the picture, in the lead photo above, as he is 'christened' in normal PB style! Much better to catch your PB in the summer when the water is warmer!
Regulars Grandad Bob Smith and Grandson Jason Barnes fished from Pochard Lodge. Whilst not as prolific as normal, Jason did have a lovely Ghost Carp of 23lb as well as this 27lb Mirror below.
I would like to thank all our guests who have visited over the last couple of weeks whilst the fishing has been disappointingly slow. Almost everyone has been positive and philosophical about it.....it was me who moaned the most! As my guests kept reminding me......blanking is a part of Carp fishing!