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We are still enjoying a closed Cherry Lakes- Sorry you are not here!

We have very few dates left - see remaining list to October below
Friday 22 May 2020

Thank you to all our guests and also some prospective ones who have sent me information about the relaxation of the lockdown rules around fishing, as well information about the growing number of fisheries with Cabins and Lodges which are open. We think the current situation is very ambiguous and will likely become even more so as we move towards June. We are keeping the situation under close review. If things change I will let you know.

As well as the fact that it appears that others are opening, we are confident we could demonstrate all the best practises needed to keep our guests and staff safe. Our Lodges are individually isolated and fishing can be done directly from them. Guests will not be allowed to move around the site and required to keep to their own Lodges. Social distancing including with us (no handshakes and hugs etc) is easily practised. We will be rigorously cleaning all surfaces on changeover days and leave cleaning materials including anti-bacterial sprays and anti-bacterial soap for guests to additionally use if they want to. As I said we will keep our decision to stay closed under close and continuous review.

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Ben Laidlaw with a stunning home-grown Ghost Mirror of 9lb

We are heavily booked up until October with just a few spaces remaining. A combination of guests who could not come in April and May, re-booking for later in the summer, and a lot of new/prospective guests trying to book as foreign holidays look very difficult this year. I thought It might be helpful to regular readers of my Latest News blog to publish the list of dates currently remaining until October. For this list I have assumed we are opening in July.

At this stage we are only taking nominal deposits for June dates due to the uncertainty around opening and our normal 50% deposits for dates after July. We currently have the following dates available. As always first come first served on 01285 869887.

14-18 September. Cherry Lake Cottage

25-28 September. Cherry Lake Cottage

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Ben Laidlaw with a nice 21-04 Common from Cherry Springs. His previous PB!

I mentioned in a previous update that my daughter has been spending the lockdown with her partner Ben at Cherry Lakes. He is working from home during the week, but has spent several Sunday morning's fishing and has been catching some lovely fish. The best thing about going fishing with Ben, is that I have not been getting any 'grief' about going fishing from either my wife or daughter as they like to see some 'male bonding'.

Well, Ben has been doing very well. He caught this 21-04 Common above recently from Cherry Springs and yesterday caught two lovely fish from Cherry Mere. The lead photo above, a 21-08 Mirror is his new new PB. I was however even more delighted by this stunning Ghost Mirror above. At 9-00 this lovely Carp is another one of our home grown 'babies' coming through. Very pleasing indeed for me to see. Good to see Ben wearing 'his colours'!

Stay safe and stay alert.

Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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