
All lakes producing good fish

Neil Pentecost 41lb Common brings this years running total to 8 different Carp

As many of you know, Simon Littmoden is regularly working with us and frequently provides the ‘senior management’ cover for …

As many of you know, Simon Littmoden is regularly working with us and frequently provides the ‘senior management’ cover for me whilst I am away. If you have not yet met Simon, and you are lucky enough to do so whilst staying at Cherry Lakes, I am sure you will …

12 Jul 2024

Andrew Panes. 37-12 R
Cherry Lake turns on

Four anglers share 10 different thirties in 3 days.

28 Jun 2024

Peter Jones. 38-08 L
Matt Jones lands our 8th different 40lb+ of the year

Peter Jones lands 4 thirties during his annual holiday at Cherry Lakes

17 Jun 2024

Sunset. caroline bailey
A stunning sunset over Cherry Mere

Suzan Szoke lands a 40lb Common.

6 Jun 2024

Double take 2024 2
Marc and Leigh-Ann's amazing double take repeat!

Jacob Roberts beats his PB several times culminating in a 29-12 Cherry Springs Mirror.

4 Jun 2024

Stephen Mitchell. 36-02 Cherry Pool  Lake record
New Cherry Pool Lake record. A 36lb Mirror

Stephen Mitchell also lands two 3lb+ Crucians

31 May 2024

Costa Koureas. 46-05 R
Cherry Lake switches on big style! 14 different 30's in 4 days!

Running total for 2024YTD is 50 Carp over 30lb+ including 7 x 40lb+

31 May 2024

Alfie Atkinson with his stunning 'Golden Mirror' of 7lb from Cherry Mere
Spawning starts early

Richard Haddingham's 41lb Common od Cherry Lake's 7th 40+ of the year

15 May 2024

Richard Orme. 31-00 L
Slow going, but good fish are being caught.

We are still waiting for the water to warm the Carp up!

2 May 2024

Katie McDonald lands a 35lb cracker from Cherry Springs

Sarah Muirhead also smashed he PB twice on Cherry Pool

23 Apr 2024

Ben Brain lands ‘Ruby’ at 46-03

Simon also lands his first Cherry Lake 40+

16 Apr 2024

Cherry Lakes is the perfect short break and holiday fishing venue. Click below to contact us and book your holiday.
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